dialogue of masters in letters from Monteiro Lobato to Cesídio Ambrogi
Literature, Politics, autobiography, Taubaté-SP, local societyAbstract
In this article, the objective was to analyze Monteiro Lobato's ideas and positions based on the reflections he shared with his friend Cesídio Ambrogi in letters he addressed to him. Thematically, the letters cover a wide range of subjects, however, the focus is centered on the discussions and political positions and the relations of the contextual impressions expressed in the literature produced by both, which constituted the beginning of the friendship and was consolidated as one of the points of confluence of interests. Therefore, it is considered that the letters, recognized as involuntary testimonies, make it possible to perceive more clearly the positions and thoughts of the interlocutors. This is because they are private documents that were not originally produced with the intention of being publicized; therefore, allow greater freedom of expression. The documentary corpus of this study covers the letters sent by Monteiro Lobato to his friend Cesídio Ambrogi, which are part of a private collection; and newspaper articles from the Hemeroteca Antonio Mello Júnior de Taubaté and the Hemeroteca Digital of the National Library. The Brazilian political context of the 1940s is dealt with in the letters and mobilizes the attention of the interlocutors who are, in this period, involved with national and local political issues, because at this moment Lobato turns to the city of Taubaté due to personal issues and, as the analysis showed, it reflects on latent issues of its relationship with the city.
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