Teaching Job: Contributions of participatory planning and interdisciplinarity


  • Alissandra Calderaro Soares da Silva
  • Josinára Ribeiro de Alencar
  • Edna Maria Querido de Oliveira Chamon
  • Marilza Terezinha Soares de Souza


Teacher’s works, Teaching loneliness, Participative planning, Interdisciplinarity


This paper aims at a dialogue on teaching activity, recalling the historical aspects of the educational context and the ways it presents and develops at certain times of the society. We think of teaching as the key to understanding the current changes and work in a modern society, mediated by capital and hegemony material. It is a contextualization of the place that teaching plays in our society, noting that teaching is currently located within socioeconomic organization brings interference. Find characteristics of loneliness in teaching within the context of professional education and some possibilities to overcome, may be in participatory planning and interdisciplinarity. We consider the participatory planning as a form of contribution to the educational process and those involved in the world of education where the teacher is the mediator of this process in the classroom. Question about the place of teaching in this way to plan life education and educational processes in our society. Feelings of belonging, shared responsibility, personal and others are related to participation in emancipatory process that culminates with the interdisciplinary and participatory planning. Reflect and ponder this educational context, where teachers are on the search for personal satisfaction through their work and loneliness in the classroom, this is a problem for satisfaction. The interdisciplinary and participatory planning can be a way to overcome this difficulty, an alternative to personal satisfaction. For this discussion, we use a literature review, reflection on the above issues.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. S. da, Alencar, J. R. de, Chamon, E. M. Q. de O., & Souza, M. T. S. de. (2012). Teaching Job: Contributions of participatory planning and interdisciplinarity. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 4(1). Retrieved from https://www.rchunitau.com.br/index.php/rch/article/view/3

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