Metodologias Ativas e Protagonismo Juvenil no Ensino Médio
As interferências no processo de aprendizagem
Posicionamento crítico; Autonomia; Estratégias Ativas.Abstract
Throughout the historical context of Brazilian education, we noticed changes in methodological processes to meet the new specificities of students (autonomous subjects and protagonists). In view of this, Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies emerge, which place young people at the center of the educational process, through attractive and reflective methods. This work aims to highlight new paradigms in education and advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT); discuss the impacts of active methodologies on the teaching and learning process and demonstrate the relationship between active methods and youth protagonism in High School (EM), in addition to presenting a proposal for an activity using active methodology in the 1st year. As a methodological process, the article presents an exploratory study based on work already carried out, such as books and scientific articles on Active Methodologies and their interference in the educational process; websites, such as the commented LDB and some Laws (LDB, BNCC and CF). As a final result, the work led to a discussion about the impacts of Active Methodologies on the learning process and how this is linked to the development of youth protagonism in EM. As for final considerations, it is important to highlight the relevance of the discussions presented here for the construction of a more problematizing education that meets the real needs of students in the 21st century.
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