A new setting for the cinematographic subgenre?




Suburban Fantastic Cinema, Cinematographic Genre, Suburbia, Periphery, Representativeness


Proposed by Angus McFadzean (2017), the suburban fantastic cinema is a cinematographic subgenre that combines characteristics of the trivial (the American suburb) with fantasy elements, in plots where the protagonist's maturation merges with the hero's journey. The researcher delves into his study of the subgenre (2019), as this is primarily marked by the whiteness of his / her protagonists - linked to an American middle class. However, at the end of the decade of 2010, a group of films stood out for bringing black and latino protagonists, bringing new possibilities to the subgenre. In this article, we focus on two of them, See you yesterday (Stefon Bristol, 2019) and Vampires x The Bronx (Osmany Rodriguez, 2020) which, in addition to the protagonism, shift their narratives to peripheric urban areas. Such choices represent profound semantic and syntactic innovations for the subgenre - which have an impact on their own structure and narrative.


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How to Cite

Baptista Lauria, P. A. (2021). FROM THE SUBURB TO THE PERIPHERY - CONTEMPORARY FANTASTIC SUBURBANISM: A new setting for the cinematographic subgenre?. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 14(2).