Educational Politics. Social Quotas. Equality. Higher Eduation.Abstract
The present study has as main objective considers about politics of quotas as a mechanism of a democratic access to the public higher education and inquires about the equality on opportunities of the access to the higher education. To reach this objective it had been used as a methodological resource, the bibliography research performed from the reading of books and scientific articles published in electronic means and also detailed reading of documents which regulate the quotas: law number 12711 of August,29,2012;decree number 7824 of October, 11, 2012 and the normative ordinance number 18 of October, 11, 2012. At the end of the present study it was included that the quota politics and the affirmative actions have emerged as a mean to contribute to the equality and opportunities and have been fulfilling the proposal according as provide the access to a portion of students that are excluded of that knowledge place, the University.
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