Educação. Corpo. Gênero. Psicologia.Abstract
In a pedagogy of sexuality, bodies are constituted according to heteronormativity in a binary system that concerns the male/ female, male/female, heterosexual/homosexual with strict normative rules for boys and girls. In this sense, attention is paid to the importance of reflecting on the configuration of bodies and gender, since it engenders deviant individuals with ethical and political suffering, defining standardized ways of being and existing. This research is the product of the Scientific Initiation Project: Psychology and sexual diversity - the (trans) experiences in the education of bodies and gender making of transvestites and transsexuals in Cariri Ceará, linked to the Research Group on Psychology and Contemporary Subjectivities registered with the University Center Dr Leao Sampaio - UNILEÃO in Juazeiro do Norte-CE. Thus, this research aims to problematize the education of bodies and the making of gender in the constitution of subjects. For this, a bibliographic review was carried out based on the descriptors "education", "body" and "gender" in classic authors on the subject in question and in scientific articles. Thus, it discusses the issues related to biopower and the domestication of bodies in education, to then reflect the binary nature of gender and an ethics of existence in abject bodies, and finally, the place of deviants is investigated, a inhospitable zone and naked life. Therefore, it is emphasized that the identity marks of body-gender-sexuality imply forces of power and resistance relations in a socio-historical field that involves repetition of events in favor of maintaining the norms and micropolitical forms of subversivity.
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