Distinção social, Estado, Fabricação de consenso, Ódio, Opinião Pública.Abstract
The present study addresses, as its central theme, the making of consensus in contemporary Brazilian society. To this end, certain digressions were necessary to the starting point of the manufacturing instrument and, consequently, to the structure that kept it under control, aiming to identify and analyze the motivations for the dissemination of hate, as well as its condensation in social discourse and its effects. political and social. The article is characterized by a bibliographic review and has an explanatory character, resorting to documentary sources, newspapers, as well as public pronouncements, approaching the subject in a qualitative way in the formulation of the corpus of analysis. The concepts/ideas and guiding authors of the study are: consensus building, from the perspective of Noam Chomsky; construction of public opinion and media discourse by Patrick Charaudeau; mechanisms and processes of socioeconomic inequality from Jesse Souza; and, hate, according to Jean Pierre Lebrun. As a result of the research, it is understood that hatred manifested in the social core has spread in such a way as to enter political institutions as a reactive effect of double class interest, namely: of an economic elite, national and international, desirous of greater control the political and economic regulations of the State, and another, which encompasses the highest strata of the middle class, uncomfortable with the relativization of their symbols of distinction in a society that was projected to be increasingly inclusive; enabling the implementation of the institutional dismantling of the State, causing both a decrease in state action and a marginalization of the lowest social strata.
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- 2023-11-23 (1)
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