the “Engage for SDG” research project case
Climate Change, Sociotechnical Networks, Social Big Data, Moral Foundations QuestionnaireAbstract
The aim of this paper is to present the stages of the study of the research project “Engage for SDG”, which combined automated and psychometric methodology, by collecting and analyzing tweets in the Portuguese language on climate change, and the responses of part of these Twitter users who answered a questionnaire that evaluated the moral attributes that can most engage them in environmental narratives. As a methodology, we collected and analyzed 21.338 comments on the platform based on the automatic collection of keywords. Next, we applied a psychometric inquiry, and obtained 301 available respondents, to analyze the relevance of five moral foundations for general and environmental dilemmas. We noticed that the values “care” and “justice” have the greatest engagement of the answers, and that the values “purity” and “authority” contain the standard deviation of the answers, having been rejected by the respondents. And based on the automated methodology, we concluded that Brazilians and Portuguese differ in the way they relate to the theme and in the fundamentals they associate with the theme, as well as in the personalities invoked and in the responsibilities assigned.
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