“Problematization Methodology”
Recommendations for a middle level technical professional education
Problematization, Methodology, Professional education, Middle Level, National Curriculum GuidelinesAbstract
The National Curriculum Guidelines for Technical Middle-Level Professional Education recommend that the institution's pedagogical-political project and their teachers’ practices be developed from a "Problematization Methodology ". However, the document does not detail these recommendations. In this way, this article presents the results of exploratory research that analyzed conceptions about this expression in the Guidelines themselves, in a selection of texts from the national literature, and from a Course Plan of a public institution. This study gave the possibility to identify two main references in our country that could offer more arguments for the development of practices based on a "Problematization Methodology ". Although the Course Plan examination, as an example of an oriented document, points out that this expression is not present, as it can happen in many other plans, some principles and goals can be identified, even without any direct reference to the Guidelines. In summary, this article seeks to highlight a systematization of the main theoretical-methodological bases of the theme and call the attention to the importance of both a problematizing conception and a problematizing methodology in the practices of technical middle-level professional education, in an increasingly complex reality.
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