reflections from pandemic?





Esgotamento Profissional, Docentes de Enfermagem, Estudantes de Enfermagem, Pandemias


Objective: the study aimed to analyze the presence of burnout symptoms in nursing professor and students in a year of pandemic. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, carried out online, with students and teachers linked to a higher education institution in Santa Catarina, in 2020. For the analysis of burnout symptoms in teachers, the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used, and for analysis of symptoms in students, the Maslach Burnout Inventory Student Survey (MBI-SS) was used. Results: In 2020 the course had 15 teachersand 188 students, of which 10 teachers and 74 students participated in the research, corresponding to 75% and 39.4%, respectively. Among the teachers, it was observed that they are young (age 47.3 ± 8.8) year sold, and with experience in higher education (average teaching time 12.9 years). Teachers had low levels of depersonalization, high emotional exhaustion and good personal fulfillment. Among students, levels of emotional exhaustion were high, as well as personal satisfaction, and low rates of disbelief. Emotional exhaustion was the most frequente variable. Conclusion: The need to be attentive to the signs of burnout is ratified, and the importance of institutional support to help teachers and academics to face the challenges, aggravated by the pandemic.


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How to Cite

Meneghetti Dallacosta, F., & Ortiz de Castro, M. H. (2021). BURNOUTSYNDROME IN TEACHERSANDUNIVERSITYSTUDENTS: reflections from pandemic?. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.32813/2179-1120.2021.v14.n1.a781



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