Education. Transgender identity. Transvestility. Transsexuality.Abstract
The objective was to carry out bibliographic research on transgender people in scientific articles published in the database of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), in which their presence and permanence in the school environment are discussed. Different combinations of descriptors were used, due to the scarce academic production in relation to the themes of transgender, transvestite and transsexuality from a non-marginalized, non-pathologizing and non-cisgender and / or heterocentric perspective of these identities. The articles found pointed to cisgenerity and heterocentrism as arbitrary norms of existence and experience that hinder, when they do not prevent, the presence and permanence of trans people in school environments, described by them as violent. The authors conclude that one way to combat this situation is the debate about gender and gender identities in schools.
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