social representations of Mathematics in memes
Representações Sociais. Matemática. Memes.Abstract
We analyze social representations about Mathematics, in a semiotic reading, present in memes that circulate on the internet and/or social networks. In the constituted interpretation, we start from the assumption that the form of representation "of" and "about" Mathematics contributes, even if naively, to the strengthening of stereotypes and stigmas of how people relate to this field of knowledge. In terms of theoretical references, we seek to correlate the theory of social representations with the ideology that naturalizes difficulties as something common and, therefore, amenable to all. The methodology, of qualitative approach, in a semiotic analysis of the signs, significance and meanings implicit in the images of the memes, is placed as a foundation to uncover the forms of thought and social ideology of the relationship between people and Mathematics. Based on the analytical experience shared here, we emphasize that despite the ironic way that invites us to laugh, the memes end up contributing to a crystallized vision that Mathematics is for the few. In synthesis, the language of this genre reveals representations that society has of what it is to learn (or not), as well as that knowing Mathematics involves, in the capitalist-exclusive school model, a power relation.
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