Institutional Racism; Human Rights; Extra Newspaper.Abstract
Institutional racism subordinates and stigmatizes the black Brazilian population (blacks and browns). It is one of the modalities that confirm Brazil as one of the countries that most violate human rights in the world, according to Amnesty International in 2018. In this context, the research seeks to know how it manifests itself through journalistic and television texts, and establishes itself in a totalitarian manner coming from associations and institutional bodies. It does the "Content Analysis" method combined with Hall's theory (2016), this study carried out an analysis of a publication of the year 2019 by Jornal Extra, trying to understand how the representation of blacks occurs in articles circulating in this popular newspaper. The main results confirmed that this journalistic vehicle appropriates discursive languages and images that trivialize institutional racism, legitimizing a racist structure, through omissions and exercises that take into account the racial factor of blacks in the country.
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