human rights and the ressignification of school time
Human Rights and Education, Pedagogical Workshops, Teaching and student autonomyAbstract
Discussing the issue of human rights in the current context is an urgent task that is imposed on the school, space, which, at the same time that materializes existing problems in society, has the possibility of problematizing them and building criticisms and social changes. This article aims to reflect on an experience of human rights education lived in a state school located in Baixada Fluminense. The experience originated from an initiative by the State Secretariat of Education Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC/RJ) for the entire state network and materialized in a process of building autonomy, both from the school that prepared its proposal, and from its students, who participated in the entire process. It is, therefore, a reflection on the power of pedagogical workshops carried out based on axes anchored in the school's daily life and negotiated with students.
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