Continued Installment Benefit, Social Assistance, Economic HyposufficiencyAbstract
The Federal Constitution of 1988, in order to provide a better living condition for people with disabilities and low-income elderly people, guaranteed the right to receive a monthly minimum wage, derived from the Continuous Benefit Benefit (BPC), also known by the name of the law that regulates it, LOAS. In view of this, the present work aims to analyze the BPC and its concession criteria, giving special focus to the possibility of making the hyposufficiency criterion more flexible, which has generated great repercussion due to disagreements in the doctrine and jurisprudence with the objective requirement provided for in art. 20, §3 of Law 8.742 / 93. The approach was carried out using the deductive method and bibliographic research with a qualitative descriptive character and it was demonstrated, through the presentation of arguments, the historical context of social assistance, the benefit of continued provision and its species and the four theses that defend the flexibility of the criterion of economic under-sufficiency.
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