bibliometric analysis of national publications in the period from 2009 to 2019
Marketing; local productive arrangement; APL; cluster; analysis of publications.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze scientific publications on clusters and local productive arrangements (APLs) in Brazil, which address the theme Marketing in the period from 2009 to 2019. Research was carried out in journals, in the following databases: CAPES, SPELL, SCIELO, GOOGLE ACADÊMIC, obtaining 59 articles. The analysis made it possible to identify the characteristics of the publications in terms of methodological approaches and research methods, the states and regions with the most publications, the clusters and APLs surveyed. There was a tendency to make research a superficial approach to marketing, even though it initially proposed the opposite. It was found that research deals with the issue of marketing in APL and clusters in an incipient way, not always conclusive. Therefore, there is an opportunity for further research to deepen the subject, including studies and other regions, as the vast majority of studies are in the south and southeast, for an effective contribution to the development of the theory.
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