the underlying relationship, on the fictional Avengers - Infinity War, between a crazy titan and an english economist of the XVIII century
Movie theater; History; Marvel Comics; Thomas MalthusAbstract
The movie teather in the last decades reached an apex of production and collection until then never experienced. The Marvel Studios franchise is one of them, raking in billions of dollars at the box office. These peculiarities have drawn the attention of the authors, so that the present text seeks to analyze this blockbuster bringing to light, narratives and underlying elements that go back, economically and philosophically, assumptions originating from the 20th century. XVIII. Especially, the Malthusian Thesis of population control. Methodologically, a "decopage" of the film Avengers: Infinity War was proposed, as a proposal of interpretation and understanding of how and why a well-known franchise chose as "background" of its fictional plot, the ideology of Thomas Malthus (1766 -1834). The underlying elements underlying the film's plot are provocative and revealing.
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