A replicação de estereótipos de raça em personagens pretas na produção cinematográfica brasileira entre os anos de 2012 e 2019
Estereótipo racial; Racismo; Gênero; Cinema.Abstract
This study investigated the role of Brazilian cinema as a technology of race, through the analysis of stereotypes frequently linked to black women: the mulatta, the maid and the black mother. To this end, the characters from the central core of the 10 highest-grossing Brazilian films each year were analyzed, considering the years 2012 to 2019. The characters were initially categorized in terms of “black” or “brown”. Both categorizations were carried out independently by two research assistants at each stage, obtaining an agreement rate of 70% and 77%, respectively. There was a tiny participation of black women in the main centers (2.52%), and the high recurrence of the domestic worker stereotype between years. In this way, the most viewed national productions have reproduced and replicated stereotypes of black women, functioning as technologies of race and gender.
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