Um Olhar Psicopedagógico aos Fatores que Dificultam a Aprendizagem dos Estudantes da Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo




Learning Disabilities, Higher Education, University student


This article, resulting from a study carried out during the 1st semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, aims to identify the factors that hinder the learning of students at the Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo. This is an exploratory case study, assuming that the results obtained from this research are not generalizable. The research fits into the qualitative model, based on the opinion of subjects who act in a given context, influenced by social, economic, political and cultural conditions and as a data collection technique the semi-structured interview, which made it possible to make adjustments throughout its application whenever necessary. In fact, the data obtained through recordings were manually transcribed and coded sentence by sentence, generating a total of 233 codes grouped into 4 analysis categories. In terms of participants, a number of 36 students constitute the study sample, representing the courses that are taught at that educational institution, namely: Teaching Psychology, Teaching Pedagogy, Teaching Portuguese Language, Teaching History, Teaching Mathematics and Computer Teaching. Consequently, the results reveal that several factors make learning difficult for these students, with a greater incidence in interpersonal relationships between teachers and students, without discarding pedagogical, socioeconomic and personal factors. As a result, the design of a project or psychopedagogical actions aimed at the institution's stakeholders, with greater emphasis on teachers and students, would help to considerably mitigate the identified problems and promote more appropriate paths in the development of the teaching-learning process, taking into account the characteristics of students and the challenges they face in their daily lives. However, it is not the intention of this research to close this very delicate topic, but it hopes to stimulate the development of other research, especially in the experimental and statistical nature, in order to deepen the exploration of latent situations that affect the quality of the teaching process- learning within the Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo.


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How to Cite

Morales, V. J. (2024). Um Olhar Psicopedagógico aos Fatores que Dificultam a Aprendizagem dos Estudantes da Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 17(2).