Desvendando Estereótipos

Uma Breve Análise das Representações Raciais em Clean Pastures (1937)




Desenhos Animados, Estereótipos Raciais, Warner Bros., Afro-Americanos, Racismo


This work aims to analyze the cartoon "Clean Pastures," produced by Warner Bros. in 1937, which is part of the "Eleven Censored" list due to the presence of racial stereotypes related to the African American population. The context in which it was produced is the "Golden Age" of American animation, and although it was censored, its analysis is important to understand how racism manifested in that society. Film analysis will be used to identify stereotypes of African Americans, such as those related to jazz, primitivism, and a penchant for gambling, which convey the idea of sinful behavior transforming the post-mortem paradise image of blacks into hell. The conclusion reveals the importance of debating and reflecting on cartoons to understand the nuances of racism in our own society and the possibilities of overcoming it. The value of cartoons as a source for historians to analyze possible ethnic representations is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Simões de Souza, C., & Santos, P. T. . (2024). Desvendando Estereótipos: Uma Breve Análise das Representações Raciais em Clean Pastures (1937). Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 17(2).