uma reflexão sobre políticas públicas para mulheres pretas
Combating Inequality, Public Health, Social History, Literature, Racism.Abstract
This text is an expansion of my participation, on the night of October 19, 2023, in the “Jornada Unitau pela equidade e inclusão da diferença – ciência básica, socio diversidade e sustentabilidade social". I intend to return to the initial proposal to think about the richness in the diversity of skin colors, bodies and existences, knowledge, activities, practices, resignifications, resistance, and social struggles, but also their political and social relevance. Despite the atypical title and the elements used in its preparation (such as history, statistical data, literature and personal notes), the aim is to expand the debate on public policies to combat inequality, mainly in relation to the health of black Brazilian women.
Keywords: Combating Inequality, Public Health, Social History, Literature, Racism.
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