cross curricular boundaries
teaching of Geography, curriculum, Complexity, border studies, Santana do Livramento-RiveraAbstract
This text is situated in the field of Geography teaching and border studies, comprising the twin cities of Santana do Livramento, in Brazil, and Rivera, in Uruguay, as a research scenario. The work starts from the assumption that the frontier is different from the other territories that constitute the national states, and there seems to be a greater density of particularities that are reflected in many geographies. It defends the need for proposals for the construction of a diversified, integrative curriculum, linked to life, that contemplates the place and its specificities, conceived from the infinite relations that they maintain with the globalized world. With this reading, seeks to answer which the meanings of the curricula thought for Geography must attribute to the frontier to account for this space and its singularities. Therefore, the work evidence the border is understood as a totality, as a social place experienced and resized in its symbolic and imaginary aspects, represented by interactions based on citizenship, binationality, daily movements and the local community needs. In congruence with the theory, the empirical corpus comes from the analysis of documents, examining the proposition of curricula in Brazil, from the political and pedagogical perspectives. From within these work fronts, proposes ways for other curricula, thought by the bias of spatiality, demanding a geographic school practice that encourages respect for the diverse and contributes to a more meaningful learning, allowing students a reading of the world from their place. The methodology is bibliographic research.
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