Circuito dos Afetos, Máquinas Abstratas, Máquinas Concretas, Devir, MicropolíticaAbstract
Theoretical essay aiming to understand how the circuits of affections are set in motion by Abstract and Concrete Machines, reflecting on the effect of this world process in the field of desire, in the formation of bodies and in the production of identities. From this reflection, it aims to make considerations about possible short circuits in the machinery for capturing desires and controlling bodies, opening the territories to other affective lines that are marked out not in power, but in potency, not in passive or sad affects, but active and happy, especially, in two fields, in the production of Anti-Capture Machines and the conquest of becoming on the surface of our skins as the production of an ethics of the self, with the goal of liberating the desiring machines that compose us, as well as on the surfaces of bureaucratic structures, imagining how to pervert the concrete devices built for capture, discipline, and control, using them for their opposite.
Keywords: Circuit of Affects; Abstract Machines; Concrete Machines; Become; Micropolitics.
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