bell hooks and Paulo Freire in psychotherapy contexts
Psychotherapy, Psychology, Education, Transdisciplinarity, Everyday lifeAbstract
This essay seeks, starting from academic-scientific productions in the field of Psychology about contemporary clinical processes, to appropriate concepts from the field of Education, namely the production of bell hooks (love) and Paulo Freire (dream and boniteza), to promote theoretical instruments that allow approaching clinical topics that arise from everyday experiences. The transdisciplinary look at the human sciences allows increasing the range of tools in the intervention with subjects who experience common challenges for professionals who are willing to work with the object of contemporary interpersonal relationships, allowing sensitive, affective and accessible instruments to be of immense importance regardless of the professional context. The present reflection hopes, in addition to promoting the application of the terms provided in the work in a clinical context, to promote more and more transdisciplinary theoretical-professional reflections in the field of human sciences.
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