


Negrinha, Monteiro Lobato, Racism, Teaching


This text intends to present some points related to the reception of the short story "Negrinha", by Monteiro Lobato, by the students of ETIM of Informatics in Etec Abdias do Nascimento, in São Paulo. For the analysis of the reception ot the story, was consulted Rildo Cosson's reflections about literary literacy, Maria Helena Martins' theory about reading, and Annie Rouxel's  definitions of reader and schooling reading. The collected data described in this text were obtained during two days of classes in Etec. In the first day, the students read Lobato's story and made considerations on the language, the plot, the characters and their understandings. In the second day, the students discussed about the story's historical background and read it again to make more considerations. Through the analysis of student's considerations, it was verified whether the students think that the story is racist or presents the prejudice against black in the society.


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Author Biographies

Tatiane Cristina Costa, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP

Professora do Ensino Médio e Técnico do Centro Paula Souza e Doutoranda da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp, campus de Assis.

Francine Ricieri, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Docente na área de Estudos Literários na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Campus Guarulhos UNIFESP, Departamento de Letras. E-mail:


Cosson, R. (2014). Letramento literário: teoria e prática. Versão ebook. São Paulo: Ed. Contexto.

Costa, T.C. da (2020). Negrinha na sala de aula: estímulo ao preconceito ou à reflexão? [Dissertação de Mestrado em Letras - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos].

Lobato, J.B.M. (2008). Negrinha. 2.ed. São Paulo: Editora Globo.

Martins, M.H. (1982). O que é leitura. São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense.

Rouxel, A.; Rezende, N.L. de (org.). (2013). Leitura subjetiva e ensino de literatura. 1.ed. São Paulo: Editora Alameda.



How to Cite

Costa, T. C., & Ricieri, F. (2022). READING LOBATO AT SCHOOL. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 15(2).