prevention or trigger?
Suicide, Suicide prevention, Suicide crisisAbstract
Suicide can be studied from many points of view given that the voluntary decision to die is multifaceted and difficult to understand in just a theoretical or explanatory way. In this article, it is reported the results of a survey based on the opinion of 316 college students on a Netflix series called “13 Reasons Why”. The research is analyzed by authors from psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, sociology and philosophy. Students answered multiple-choice questions and made a dissertation about the show. Most participants (59.8%) reported it could partially avert a suicide and 65.8% of respondents said they had learned something from the show. Ultimately, it can be concluded that the series has opened the debate about suicide and other similar issues such as bullying, depression, and empathy. However, surveyed participants pointed out that the way the series was plotted could also trigger suicide.
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