to which measure does ciber potentialize democracy?





Cyberdemocracy, Social Media, Digital Communication, Political Science


This article aims to interpret the social effects of cyberdemocracy in contemporary society, identifying possible democratic damages, linked mainly to the use of social networks as a platform for dissipating discourses. The analysis of the phenomena is based on bibliographic research, carrying out a theoretical review on authors in the area and is divided into three moments. Firstly, the definition of the research question; which aims to answer whether “within the new scenarios presented by cyberdemocracy, with a focus on the use of social networks in the political sphere, problems have also arisen that can harm democracy?” In the second moment, the theory of digital democracy is interpreted, where there is greater ease and proximity for the insertion of the citizen in socio-political facts, observing the form and effects of this new factor. After collecting information from internet articles and printed books, cyberdemocracy was conceptualized and online quarrels were identified, such as social bubbles, fake news and debates where the truth is not privileged. Finally, it is noted that many individuals use social networks, not knowing its structure or taking advantage of it, mitigating problems of democratic coexistence, making e-democracy not only present benefits.


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How to Cite

Lepeck, G. (2021). DILEMAS OF CYBERDEMOCRACY: to which measure does ciber potentialize democracy?. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.32813/2179-1120.2121.v14.n2.a732