a case study in Tocantins, Brazil
Avaliação da aprendizagem, Ensino de arte, Educação do campoAbstract
The evaluation process develops an important role in education, because it is the means that teachers use to identify if the desired goals are being achieved, i.e., if students can understand the content taught and also for a self-evaluation of their work, which can provide the change of teaching methods, when appropriate. From a qualitative-bibliographical perspective, which is a case study, and through interviews and observations of the art classes held in a school in the state of Tocantins, Brazil, the article aims to analyze how the evaluation processes in art teaching are developed with an elementary school class in a rural school located in the state of Tocantins. The data revealed that the evaluation of learning requires important requirements of the teacher so that a fair process occurs, which instead of excluding, makes the student feel like a fundamental part of the teaching and learning process. Thus, the act of evaluating should consist, first of all, in getting to know the individual within his social and cultural context, in order to provide subsidies for a formative evaluation to occur
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