O Suicide of the Zé Ninguém

social analysis of self-annihilation in a song by Garotos Podres





Suicídio, Zé Ninguém, Garotos Podres


This article analyzes the suicide of the main character of the music Zé Ninguém, from the punk rock band Garotos Podres. Zé Ninguém is a beggar. He has no job nor family. Since he is not generating profits he is considered irrelevant, or even non-existent. People who pass by the streets, at most, see him as garbage ruining the urban landscape. Religion, which should help the excluded, absorbs the capitalist discourse and instrumentalizes people for the profitability of their institutions. Filled with his own nullity, he gets tired of existing and commits suicide, thus ending his irrelevant life. If, by any chance, someone cares, one must fight for income distribution, in favor of social equality. Education, whose transformation is extremely complex, is crucial to raising awareness that there are several Zé Ninguém and, constantly, in a dehumanized way, they become just pieces of putrefying meat.



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How to Cite

Marcos, W. (2020). O Suicide of the Zé Ninguém: social analysis of self-annihilation in a song by Garotos Podres. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.32813/2179-1120.2020.v13.n3.a689



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