social, political and economic changes in the marijuana market


  • Marco Castro Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF



Cannabis. Mudanças sociais. Desenvolvimento. Mercado. Maconha.


This work starts from the objective of making a theoretical and analytical discussion about the relations that involve the axes of the State, the economy and society in the process of developing a cannabis market for its diverse social uses. Elaborating a typical ideal model this analysis applied some generalizations to the empirical material to test its fit in reality, without appearing in the specific form of reality. Thus there is a theoretical discussion about the relationship between the process of social change and socioeconomic development. In addition some relationships between cannabis, the State and society are analyzed, seeking to emphasize the possible moral, social and political developments inherent to this process. Still the relationship between cannabis and the economy is discussed, analyzing expectations related to innovations, investments, markets and employment. In view of this it is supported the basic hypothesis that the social, political and economic changes and developments linked to the demands of the social uses of marijuana, both quantitative and qualitative, are directly related to the formation of values, norms and social rights, as well as with the formation of a morality that transforms the demands and offers intrinsic to the different social uses of cannabis into normal relationships for societies.


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How to Cite

Castro, M. (2020). CANNABIS AND DEVELOPMENT: social, political and economic changes in the marijuana market. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 13(3).



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