Judith Butler. Precariedade. Contemporaneidade. Psicologia.Abstract
Seeking the understanding of the concept of precariousness in the theoretical construction of Judith Butler, the present study is guided by the question of how this concept and the author's theoretical foundations contribute to the comprehension of contemporaneity. Approaching the notion of contemporaneity and its applicability in war frames, Butler's theoretical formulations are discussed and then related to debates relevant to Psychology. For such, it is a qualitative research, with exploratory nature and bibliographic character, specifying its integrative methodological approach. The search for publications was performed using the keywords “Judith Butler”; “Precariousness”; “Contemporaneity” and “Psychology”, of which eleven studies were considered that met the inclusion criteria, which corresponded to studies written in the Portuguese language and the year of publication of the articles, being cut from 2014 to 2019. Reached the analysis of the author's theoretical construction, understanding the concept of precariousness in her work, where it is presented that the results of the then study point to the possibility of being explored the contributions of authors who do not necessarily belong to the field of Psychology, but that can contribute to its continuous development as a theoretical and practical field. It is pointed out that addressing precariousness is not a discussion about a problem specifically related to or totally alien to Psychology, but similar to it, it’s part of what we can take as a contemporary.
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