electoral campaigns in the Vale do Paraíba / SP
Eleições Proporcionais; Vale do Paraíba; Campanhas Políticas.Abstract
This article analyzes some electoral campaigns for the Brazilian House of Representatives and for the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo in the 2014 election in Vale do Paraíba (state of São Paulo, Brazil). It takes as its starting point two sets of candidates: Candidates from the region, linked by birth or residence to the towns of the Valley and who defended the importance of regional representation and the defense of their cities in the parliamentary sphere; and Candidates in the region, who came from other regions of the state and who sought votes in the Valley from general themes that resonated locally. Based on bibliographical research and participant observation made during the election checked a ambivalent process: the campaigns of the candidates of the region are marked by a strong identity discourse of regional belonging, emphasizing unity and fidelity as guarantees of a parliamentary performance that benefits the region; the voter can also be motivated by general political flags that end up reflecting the local urges.
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