Formação Continuada, Educação Infantil, Profissão DocenteAbstract
This study refers to an excerpt of the researcher’s master’s dissertation, which has the title: “YES, I AM A TEACHER: continuing education in the view of the teacher of early childhood education”, defended in February 2019, and for the purpose of identifying and understanding the view of teachers working in Early Childhood Education, with regard to continuing and in-service training in which they participate and whether it contributes or not to their profession. For that, we opted for a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, in which the reach of the data took place through semi-structured interviews and reports of teaching professional life, expressed in reflective diaries, supported by autobiographical narratives. Seven teachers from the municipal network of a city in Vale do Paraíba Paulista were interviewed, one from each region of the city, two in the south, a region that has the largest number of early childhood schools. The data obtained were studied using the content analysis methodology and interpreted based on the theoretical contributions of authors such as Freire (2019), Nóvoa (2017), Oliveira (2017), Angotti (2014), Gatti (2010), Marcelo García (2009) among others. The analysis of the data revealed that the teachers recognize that the continuing education program offered by the said municipal network contributed to their profession, with regard to opportune moments for study, exchange of experiences, reflection on the practice. The voices of the 7 participating teachers also expressed their desire for greater participation in the training processes, emphasizing that they must include the exchange of teachers with peers from other school units, specialists and researchers in education, in addition to being subjects of this training, with authorship and autonomy in designing it based on the real needs that emerge from your work.
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