Subjetividades Jurídicas e Políticas nos Países de Capitalismo Tardio, Semicoloniais e Dependentes

teorias críticas do Direito e do Estado aplicadas


  • Cláudio Rennó Villela Usp



Marx, Pachukanis, subject of law, political subject


The objective of this article, essay, is to contribute to a constructive criticism based on the elaborations of Karl Marx and Evgueni Pashukanis on the capitalist legal form, combined with the contributions of Alysson Mascaro on the state political form, applied to contemporary transatlantic issues in Brazil and Angola. The method for understanding the thoughts of these authors for the study of the State, Law and subjects is within their own paradigms. His theories are linked to the objectives of social change and cannot be analyzed without taking this larger strategy into account. The method we propose cannot be just empty methodological reflections or purely abstract discussions, under penalty of not achieving the proposed objectives. We cannot circumscribe his thoughts just formally, if we want to see them as living and current critical thoughts, useful for the theoretical and real problems of our time. I intend to achieve both the rescue for today and the epistemological innovation for the production of knowledge for the “global south”, which is useful for human development, the improvement of social and individual conditions, through education, culture and social well-being , strengthening the relationship between education, academic production and people's health, in a sustainable and harmonious way with nature and each other.


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How to Cite

Rennó Villela, C. (2024). Subjetividades Jurídicas e Políticas nos Países de Capitalismo Tardio, Semicoloniais e Dependentes: teorias críticas do Direito e do Estado aplicadas. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 17(2).