The stereotypes of the “mito negro” in black characters in national cinema
Racial stereotyping, Racism, Masculinity, Movies, Behavior analysisAbstract
Technologies of race are cultural products that interpellate subjectivities and reproduce racial inequalities. Through these technologies, racist representations such as the “Mito Negro” (MN) stereotypes are culturally transmitted. Therefore, Brazilian cinema as a technology of race was investigated by analyzing the stereotypes of the MN present in the Black characters in the main casts among the top 10 Brazilian movies between the years 2012 and 2019. To get reliability, the categorization of the black characters and the “Mito Negro” stereotypes was carried out by four research assistants. Thus, the first and second phases of the categorizations obtained agreement rates of 76% and 70%, respectively. Besides the low representation of Black men (7.56%), the characters present the recurrence of the following stereotypes: Devoid of values, civility and humanity; Poor; Exotic; Bad; Sexually potent; and Ugly. In short, the best-selling domestic movies have strongly reproduced “Mito Negro” stereotypes, acting as race technology.
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