A Imigração e a Luta por Implementação de Políticas Públicas à População Migrante no Contexto Brasileiro
immigration, immigration policy, rightsAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the discourses of operators / agents of Brazilian state institutions related to immigration policy in Brazil. Institutions are percveid as sets of practices which engender ways of knowing and making politics from different ideological positions of the subjects. It is well known that human mobility is a symptom of major transitions in the history of migration countries. From this perspective, the objective is to perform an analysis of immigrats’ social dynamics in Brazil and the legal mechanisms which operate the legislation. Such devices operate immigration as a matter of national security. In the light of the assumptions of thematic oral history and of the participant research it was possible to understand the positions of subjects who live in such contexts, in this case, the immigrant population in Brazil and in articulation whith aspects of state institutions that govern the legal apparatus within such a conjuncture.
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