psychological implications for students and teachers at primary schools
Palavras-chave: Violência, violência escolar, implicações psicológicasAbstract
This research constitutes an analysis of the psychological implications of school violence for primary school students and teachers. The struggle continues in the city of Maputo. In methodological terms, we used a qualitative approach, using inductive methods as an approach, and a semi-structured interview was applied to collect data. 14 participants were interviewed, of both sexes, including 4 teachers and 10 students from the 7th grade. In the research, we found that there are episodes of physical, psychological and verbal violence at school. School violence is, to a large extent, associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. As forms of resolution, the school uses awareness, dialogue (with teachers, students, parents and guardians), as well as the application of punishments (cleaning in the school’s classrooms, courtyard and bathrooms). The study revealed that there are episodes of physical, psychological and verbal violence at school. In relation to the psychological implications, school violence causes, at Escola Primaria Completa a Luta Continua, trauma, fear, isolation, shame, low self-esteem, low pedagogical achievement and school dropout.
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